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How to pasteurize egg whtes?

Pasteurizing egg whites is a process that involves heating them to kill harmful bacteria, particularly Salmonella, without cooking them. Here’s a simple method to pasteurize egg whites at home: ### Method 1: Stovetop Pasteurization **What You Need:** - Fresh egg whites - A saucepan - A thermometer - A mixing bowl **Instructions:** 1. **Separate the Egg Whites:** Crack the required number of eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. Make sure to use clean, sanitized equipment. 2. **Heat the Egg Whites:** - Pour the egg whites into a saucepan. - Heat the egg whites over low to medium heat while stirring gently. 3. **Monitor Temperature:** - Use a thermometer to carefully monitor the temperature. - Heat the egg whites to 140°F (60°C) and hold that temperature for at least 3-5 minutes. Do not allow the egg whites to exceed 160°F (71°C), as they will start to cook. 4. **Cool Down:** - After pasteurizing, remove the egg whites from the heat immediately and transfer them to a mixing bowl to cool down if needed. 5. **Use or Store:** - Use the pasteurized egg whites immediately in your recipe or store them in the refrigerator for up to 2-4 days. ### Method 2: Using the Oven (for larger quantities) 1. **Prepare for Pasteurization:** - Preheat the oven to 150°F (65°C). - Place the egg whites in an oven-safe dish. 2. **Pasteurization:** - Place the dish in the oven and monitor the temperature with a thermometer. - Keep the egg whites at 140°F (60°C) for about 3-5 minutes. 3. **Cooling and Storage:** - Remove from the oven and cool before using or storing as per the stovetop method. ### Important Notes: - Make sure to use fresh, refrigerated egg whites for safety. - The process must be monitored closely to prevent cooking the egg whites. - Pasteurized egg whites can be used in recipes that call for raw egg whites without the risk of foodborne illness. This method is effective for home use. Commercially available pasteurized egg whites are also an option if you prefer convenience and assured safety.