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how to create points layer on polygon according to priemeter in arcgis

Creating a points layer on a polygon based on a specified perimeter in ArcGIS involves a few steps. Generally, you'll want to use a combination of tools available in ArcGIS (like ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro). Below are the detailed steps: ### Steps to Create Points Layer on Polygon Based on Perimeter in ArcGIS: 1. **Prepare Your Polygon Layer:** - Make sure your polygon layer is properly configured and projected (e.g., in a suitable coordinate system). 2. **Calculate Perimeter of the Polygons:** - If your polygons do not already have a perimeter attribute, you can calculate it: - Open the attribute table of your polygon layer. - Use the 'Add Geometry Attributes' tool (found under the Data Management toolbox) to add perimeter information (or use Calculate Geometry with the perimeter option). 3. **Create a Fishnet or Point Distribution:** - If you desire evenly spaced points based on a defined perimeter: - Navigate to “ArcToolbox” > “Data Management Tools” > “Feature Class” > “Create Fishnet”. - Specify the extent and cell size; adjust the parameters to create a grid of points. - Choose the option to create points instead of polygons. 4. **Generate Points Along the Perimeter:** - If you want to create points along the edges of the polygon: - Use the “Feature Vertices to Points” tool (found under the Data Management toolbox) which allows you to convert polygon boundaries into points. - Alternatively, use the **Create Random Points** tool if you want points distributed randomly based on your polygon boundaries. 5. **Use the Points along Lines Tool (for more control):** - If you require custom placements based on specific distances: - Use the “Generate Points Along Lines” tool: - Convert your polygon to Polyline if needed (using “Polygon to Line”). - Use the parameter of distance to decide how far apart the points should be along the perimeter. 6. **Spatial Join (if necessary):** - If you have additional attributes you want to assign to the points based on their location or original polygon attributes, you can use the Spatial Join tool. 7. **Finalize and Export:** - Review your generated points to ensure they meet your expectations. - You can export or save the points layer as a new feature class for future use. 8. **Symbolization and Analysis:** - Once your points layer is created, you may want to symbolize it according to your analysis needs or proceed with further analyses. ### Additional Notes: - You may need an appropriate license level to access certain tools in ArcGIS. - The steps may vary slightly depending on whether you are using ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro, but the general workflow will be quite similar. - Always ensure that your data is backed up before performing operations that modify original datasets. ### Conclusion: By following these steps, you should be able to create and visualize a points layer based on the perimeter of your polygon data within ArcGIS. Adjust any parameters according to your specific analysis needs.