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how does low rate of mortality affect good accessibility to health facility in terms of distance

Low mortality rates can significantly impact the accessibility of health facilities, particularly in terms of distance, in several ways: 1. **Increased Investment in Health Infrastructure**: Regions with low mortality rates often experience better health outcomes due to effective healthcare systems. This is likely to attract investments in health infrastructure, leading to the development of additional health facilities, making access more convenient and closer to communities. 2. **Improvement in Public Health Initiatives**: Areas with low mortality may have stronger public health initiatives, including preventative care and health education. This can reduce the frequency of severe health events that necessitate emergency care, thereby reducing the distance that people need to travel for services. 3. **Better Utilization of Available Resources**: Lower mortality rates can indicate that the healthcare system is effectively managing health issues. As such, health services may be optimized to focus on primary care and preventive measures, which can reduce the need for patients to travel long distances for treatment. 4. **Encouragement of Community Health Services**: In communities with low mortality rates, there is often a greater emphasis on community health services, which can provide care closer to home. These services may include mobile clinics, telemedicine, and community health workers who can reach underserved areas, thus improving accessibility. 5. **Socioeconomic Factors**: Regions with low mortality rates often correlate with better socioeconomic conditions, including higher income levels and education. These factors can facilitate better access to transportation and resources, making it easier for individuals to reach health facilities, regardless of distance. 6. **Policy and Political Will**: Governments may prioritize health initiatives in areas with low mortality rates as a means to maintain or further improve health outcomes. This can result in policies aimed at enhancing accessibility, such as building new health facilities or improving transportation networks. In summary, low mortality rates can lead to improved accessibility of health facilities by driving investments, encouraging better public health practices, optimizing resource utilization, and fostering supportive socioeconomic conditions. This can collectively reduce the effective distance individuals must travel to receive health care.