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give me an example of an fgd report with key crop farmers where the the extension agents said to the farmers the 2 types of planting pattern of cassava (halfway slanted or fully buried) and the one that yield tubers

### Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Report on Cassava Planting Patterns **Date of FGD:** [Insert Date] **Location:** [Insert Location] **Facilitator:** [Insert Facilitator Name] **Participants:** Key crop farmers from the region, Extension Agents #### Background The purpose of this Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was to explore the perceptions and experiences of local farmers regarding different planting patterns of cassava. The extension agents presented two main planting patterns: halfway slanted and fully buried, focusing on which method yields better tubers. #### Attendees - Total Participants: 15 - Extension Agents: 3 - Farmers: 12 (Representing diverse experiences and backgrounds) #### Objectives 1. To discuss the two planting patterns of cassava: halfway slanted and fully buried. 2. To identify which planting pattern the farmers believe yields better tubers. 3. To gather feedback on the extension agents’ recommendations. #### Key Findings 1. **Understanding of Planting Patterns:** - **Halfway Slanted Planting:** - Farmers understood this method as planting cassava stems at an angle, allowing some of the stem to remain above the soil. - Advantages mentioned included reduced risk of erosion and easier management of weeds. - **Fully Buried Planting:** - Participants noted that this method involves burying the entire stem below the soil. - Farmers reported that this approach can enhance moisture retention and protect stems from pests. 2. **Yield Comparisons:** - Most farmers expressed that in their experiences, fully buried cassava generally yields more tubers compared to halfway slanted planting. - One farmer cited, "In my farm, the fully buried planting gave me better yields last season; I harvested more tubers than when I tried the halfway slanted method." 3. **Extension Agents’ Insights:** - The extension agents confirmed that research supports the idea that fully buried planting can result in higher tuber yields; however, they emphasized the importance of local conditions (soil type, moisture levels). - They encouraged farmers to experiment with both methods to find out which works best for their specific circumstances. 4. **Challenges and Concerns:** - Some farmers raised concerns about labor intensity associated with the fully buried method, particularly during planting and weeding. - A few expressed worry about the potential for waterlogging in fully buried configurations during heavy rains. 5. **Recommendations from Farmers:** - Farmers suggested creating demonstration plots to compare the two planting methods practically. - They also requested more training sessions on soil management and pest control specific to each planting pattern. #### Conclusion The FGD highlighted the general preference among farmers for the fully buried planting method for cassava due to its greater reported yields. However, considerations regarding labor and environmental conditions must also be addressed. The extension agents’ role in facilitating further experimentation and training will be crucial in enhancing farmers' understanding and improving overall cassava productivity in the region. #### Action Points 1. Organize demonstration plots for both planting methods in the upcoming planting season. 2. Schedule follow-up training sessions on best agricultural practices for cassava cultivation. 3. Encourage farmers to document their experiences with both methods to share insights in future discussions. **Prepared By:** [Insert Name] **Position:** [Insert Position] **Date of Report:** [Insert Date] --- This example outlines the standard structure and content of an FGD report while also capturing the nuances of farmer perceptions and expert recommendations. Adjustments can be made to suit specific contexts or focus areas as needed.