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Give me an example of an fgd report conducted among key crop farmers on a community who said they it’s been 4 years since extension agents visited them and claimed to establish them and bring fertilizers for them but never did

**Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Report** **Title**: Exploring the Experiences of Key Crop Farmers Regarding Agricultural Extension Services **Location**: [Community Name], [Region], [Country] **Date**: [Date of FGD] **Facilitator**: [Facilitator’s Name] **Participants**: 10 key crop farmers (5 males, 5 females) --- ### Introduction This report presents the findings of a focus group discussion conducted among key crop farmers in [Community Name]. The discussion aimed to explore the experiences of farmers concerning agricultural extension services, particularly the availability of support and resources, such as fertilizers. ### Background Participants reported that it has been four years since agricultural extension agents last visited their community. This period coincides with claims made by extension agents regarding support they would provide, including the establishment of farming practices and the distribution of fertilizers. The farmers expressed significant disappointment and frustration due to the lack of follow-through. ### Objectives 1. To understand the perceived roles and impact of agricultural extension services on farmers’ productivity. 2. To gather insights into the challenges faced by farmers in obtaining necessary resources to enhance crop yields. ### Key Findings 1. **Lack of Contact from Extension Agents**: - All participants noted that extension agents have not visited their community for the past four years. This absence has created a significant gap in agricultural support, which the farmers feel is crucial for their productivity. 2. **Unmet Promises**: - Farmers recalled previous interactions where extension agents promised assistance, including training in modern farming techniques and the provision of fertilizers. However, these promises have not materialized. One participant noted, “They came once and said they would return with fertilizers, but we’ve seen no one since.” 3. **Impact on Crop Production**: - The lack of support and resources has negatively impacted crop yields. Farmers reported that without fertilizers and modern techniques, their harvests have been declining. One farmer mentioned, “Our crops are suffering; we can’t grow as much as we used to because we don’t have the inputs we need.” 4. **Dependence on Traditional Practices**: - In the absence of updated guidance and resources, farmers have resorted to traditional farming practices. Many expressed a desire to adopt more sustainable and productive farming methods but feel constrained without assistance. 5. **Community Resilience and Adaptation**: - Despite the challenges, farmers expressed resilience and are finding ways to cope. Some community members have formed informal support groups to share knowledge and resources among themselves. A farmer illustrated this point: “We help each other out, but it’s not enough to make a big difference.” 6. **Call for Action and Support**: - There was a strong sentiment among participants for the return of extension services. They emphasized the need for regular visits, training sessions, and the timely provision of fertilizers. Participants suggested, “We need someone to guide us regularly; it shouldn’t be a one-time visit.” ### Conclusion The findings from this FGD highlight significant gaps in agricultural extension services for key crop farmers in [Community Name]. The four-year absence of extension agents has led to unmet needs, reduced crop productivity, and reliance on traditional farming practices. Farmers are eager for renewed support and engagement from agricultural extension services to enhance their farming practices and improve yields. ### Recommendations 1. **Reestablish Contact**: Agricultural agencies should prioritize reconnecting with the community to assess their needs and deliver promised support. 2. **Regular Training**: Implement routine training sessions focused on modern farming techniques and sustainability practices. 3. **Resource Provision**: Ensure the timely allocation and distribution of fertilizers and other agricultural inputs to farmers. 4. **Follow-up Mechanism**: Develop a follow-up mechanism that allows for feedback from farmers to continuously improve service delivery. ### Acknowledgments Thank you to all participants for their valuable insights and for sharing their experiences and challenges. Your input is crucial for understanding the agricultural needs of our community. **Facilitator**: [Facilitator’s name] **Date**: [Date of report completion]