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Give me an example of an fgd report conducted among key crop farmers on a community who said the major crop they grow is cassava and about 20% said they grow for both commercial (if they have plenty yield) and subsistence while others for just subsistence

### Focus Group Discussion Report **Date:** [Insert Date] **Location:** [Community Name] **Facilitator:** [Facilitator's Name] **Participants:** 12 key crop farmers (8 male, 4 female) #### 1. Introduction The focus group discussion (FGD) was conducted to gain insights into the farming practices, challenges, and perceptions surrounding cassava cultivation in [Community Name]. The discussion aimed to assess the farming practices regarding cassava and to understand the motivations behind farmers' choices between commercial and subsistence farming. #### 2. Participants’ Demographics - **Age:** 25 - 65 years - **Education Level:** Varied, with some having basic education, while others possess advanced knowledge of agriculture. - **Farming Experience:** All participants have been farming cassava for 5 years or more. #### 3. Major Findings ##### 3.1 Crop Production - **Primary Crop:** All participants identified cassava as the major crop they cultivate. - **Purpose of Cultivation:** - **Commercial and Subsistence:** Approximately 20% of farmers indicated that they grow cassava for both commercial purposes (if yields are sufficient) and for subsistence. This group emphasized the need for additional income to support their families and to reinvest in farming. - **Subsistence Only:** 80% of the participants reported they grow cassava primarily for subsistence. These farmers highlighted their reliance on cassava for daily food needs and economic stability, as they find it easier to manage the crop for personal consumption. ##### 3.2 Challenges Faced - **Market Access:** Farmers in the commercial category expressed challenges related to accessing markets for their cassava, citing inadequate transportation and fluctuating market prices. - **Pests and Diseases:** Both groups reported issues with pests and diseases affecting their crops, which significantly impacts yields. - **Climate Variability:** Participants noted that changes in climate have begun to affect their farming schedules and overall yields. Some expressed concern over unreliable rainfall patterns, which can lead to drought or flooding. ##### 3.3 Best Practices and Innovations - **Intercropping:** A few farmers suggested intercropping cassava with legumes to improve soil health and provide additional food sources. - **Organic Farming:** There was interest in adopting organic farming techniques, especially among those who wished to market their produce as organic. However, access to organic fertilizers and training was a barrier. ##### 3.4 Support and Resources - **Access to Extension Services:** The farmers highlighted the need for better access to agricultural extension services and training on best practices in cassava farming. - **Financial Support:** Participants emphasized a demand for microfinance options or support from local cooperatives to sustain both subsistence and commercial aspects of their farming. #### 4. Conclusion and Recommendations The focus group highlighted that cassava remains a crucial crop for both subsistence and potential commercial growth in [Community Name]. However, challenges like market access, pest management, and environmental factors significantly influence farmers' productivity and income. **Recommendations:** - Strengthen market linkages to enhance access for farmers growing cassava for commercial purposes. - Increase support for pest and disease management through extension services. - Implement training programs focusing on sustainable practices, intercropping, and organic farming techniques. - Facilitate access to financial resources and microloans to encourage investment in cassava production. This FGD serves as a foundational step in understanding the farming dynamics in the community and will inform future interventions to support local farmers effectively. **Prepared by:** [Your Name] **Position:** [Your Position] **Organization:** [Your Organization]