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Give 7 easy projects communication messages on climate changes Easy for 15 years to understand

Here are seven easy project ideas with communication messages for 15-year-olds to help raise awareness about climate change: 1. **Social Media Campaign** **Message:** “Every action counts! Share your eco-friendly habits online.” **Project:** Create a series of engaging social media posts, infographics, or TikTok videos that showcase simple daily actions, like using reusable bags, turning off lights, or carpooling, that combat climate change. 2. **School Garden** **Message:** “Grow your food, reduce your footprint!” **Project:** Start a small garden at school where students can grow vegetables and herbs. Incorporate lessons about local food systems, sustainable practices, and the impact of food miles on climate change. 3. **Climate Change Documentary Night** **Message:** “Knowledge is power: Learn about climate change!” **Project:** Organize a movie night featuring documentaries about climate change and environmental issues. Follow up with discussions or create a list of action steps viewers can take. 4. **Recycling Awareness Campaign** **Message:** “Reduce, reuse, recycle: It’s that simple!” **Project:** Create posters and flyers to educate peers about the importance of recycling and waste reduction. Include fun facts or statistics to draw attention to the benefits. 5. **Nature Walk & Clean-Up** **Message:** “Protect our planet: Every bit helps!” **Project:** Organize a nature walk followed by a clean-up of a local park or beach. Document the types of waste collected and discuss how litter affects ecosystems and climate change. 6. **Climate Change Art Showcase** **Message:** “Express your concern through art!” **Project:** Host an art contest where students create visual pieces, like paintings or sculptures, that express their thoughts on climate change. Display the artwork in a school exhibition with informative descriptions. 7. **Virtual Climate Pledge** **Message:** “Together we can make a difference!” **Project:** Create an online platform or use social media to encourage students to take a climate pledge. They can commit to actions like reducing water usage, biking instead of driving, or educating others about climate change. Each project aims to not only teach about climate change but also to inspire young people to take action and spread awareness in their communities.