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German election results of past 100 years

Here is a brief overview of key German federal elections over the past century, highlighting major parties, significant historical contexts, and notable outcomes: ### Weimar Republic (1918-1933) - **1919 Election**: The first election for the Weimar National Assembly. The Social Democratic Party (SPD) won the most seats, forming a government. - **1920 Election**: The German Workers' Party (DAP) started to gain traction; the SPD maintained a significant role. - **1924 Elections**: Increased prominence of the Nazi Party (NSDAP), which started to shape politics. - **1930 Election**: The NSDAP became the second-largest party in the Reichstag, marking a significant rise. ### Nazi Period (1933-1945) - **1932 Elections**: The NSDAP became the largest party but did not achieve an outright majority. - **March 1933 Election**: Conducted under Reichstag Fire Decree, allowed for significant voter intimidation. The NSDAP won a slight majority enabling Hitler's rise to power. ### Post-World War II (1949 Onward) - **1949 Election**: The first federal election for the Bundestag, leading to the establishment of the Federal Republic of Germany. The CDU/CSU emerged as the strongest party. - **1953 Election**: The CDU/CSU maintained its position; Konrad Adenauer continued as Chancellor. - **1961 Election**: CDU/CSU still dominant; Adenauer stepped down as Chancellor. - **1969 Election**: The Social Democrats (SPD) won, leading to Willy Brandt becoming Chancellor, marking a shift to the left. - **1972 Election**: SPD victory, with Brandt still in power. - **1980 Election**: SPD remained in power; Helmut Schmidt continued as Chancellor. ### Reunification and Modern Germany (1990-Present) - **1990 Election**: Conducted shortly after the reunification of Germany; CDU/CSU, led by Helmut Kohl, won decisively. - **1994 Election**: CDU/CSU won again, and Helmut Kohl continued as Chancellor. - **1998 Election**: The SPD gained power with Gerhard Schröder becoming Chancellor, marking a significant political shift. - **2005 Election**: Angela Merkel's CDU/CSU formed a government, becoming Germany’s first female Chancellor. - **2009 Election**: Merkel's government was re-elected with increased support, forming a coalition with the FDP. - **2013 Election**: Merkel's CDU/CSU again won, resulting in another Grand Coalition with the SPD. - **2017 Election**: Merkel's coalition reduced in size; the AfD (Alternative for Germany) entered the Bundestag for the first time as a right-wing opposition party. - **2021 Election**: SPD won the highest percentage, leading to Olaf Scholz becoming Chancellor in a coalition with the Greens and FDP. This overview provides a high-level snapshot of major elections in Germany over the past century. For detailed results or analysis of specific elections, a more extensive approach would be necessary, involving numerical data and contextual insights.