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Generate an abstract on the research topic EFFECT OF GREEN PACKAGING ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR IN GHANA. A CASE STUDY OF WA MUNICIPAL, note the methodology used was mixed method with data collection tool such as questionnaire and the Statistical Product and Se

**Abstract** This research investigates the effect of green packaging on consumer behavior in Wa Municipal, Ghana, aiming to understand how environmentally friendly packaging influences purchasing decisions and brand perception among consumers. Recognizing the increasing global emphasis on sustainability, this study employs a mixed-method approach, integrating both quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques. A structured questionnaire was administered to a sample of consumers in Wa Municipal to quantitatively assess their awareness, preferences, and purchasing behaviors related to green packaging. Additionally, qualitative interviews supplemented the quantitative data, providing deeper insights into consumer motivations and attitudes toward sustainable practices. Data analysis was conducted using the Statistical Product and Services Solution (SPSS), facilitating a detailed exploration of the relationship between green packaging and consumer behavior metrics. Results indicate a positive correlation between consumer awareness of green packaging and their inclination to purchase products with sustainable packaging solutions. Furthermore, qualitative findings suggest that consumers in Wa Municipal increasingly value eco-friendly practices and view brands utilizing green packaging as more responsible and appealing. This study contributes to the understanding of sustainable marketing practices in Ghana and provides valuable implications for businesses aiming to enhance their competitive edge in a growing market focused on environmental sustainability. The findings highlight the need for further education on the benefits of green packaging to fully leverage its potential influence on consumer choices. Update (2024-09-15): **Abstract** This research investigates the effect of green packaging on consumer behavior in Wa Municipal, Ghana. With growing global concerns about environmental sustainability, green packaging has become an essential consideration for consumers and businesses alike. This study employs a mixed-methods approach, integrating both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. A structured questionnaire was distributed to a diverse sample of consumers in Wa, capturing their attitudes, perceptions, and purchasing behaviors related to products with green packaging. The quantitative data was analyzed using Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) to identify trends and correlations. Additionally, qualitative insights were gathered through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, providing a more nuanced understanding of consumer motivations and barriers regarding green packaging. The findings indicate a positive correlation between awareness of environmental issues and preference for products utilizing sustainable packaging. Consumers exhibited a willingness to pay a premium for eco-friendly packaging, highlighting the potential market advantages for businesses that adopt such practices. However, challenges such as limited access to affordable green products and a lack of awareness among certain consumer segments were also identified. The study concludes that while green packaging has significant potential to influence consumer behavior positively, targeted educational initiatives and broader market availability are essential for maximizing its effectiveness in Wa Municipal and similar contexts across Ghana. This research contributes to the existing literature on sustainable consumer behavior and offers practical recommendations for businesses looking to align with eco-conscious consumer preferences.