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Generate 5 research questionnaire questions to get the needed responds on the research topic what factors impact consumers' buying choices in relation to green packaging?

Here are five research questionnaire questions designed to explore the factors that impact consumers' buying choices concerning green packaging: 1. **Sustainability Awareness**: On a scale of 1 to 5, how aware are you of the environmental impact of packaging materials used by brands you purchase from? (1 - Not at all aware, 5 - Very aware) 2. **Influence of Eco-Labels**: How often do you consider eco-labels or certifications (e.g., recycled, biodegradable, organic) on product packaging when making a purchase decision? - A) Always - B) Often - C) Sometimes - D) Rarely - E) Never 3. **Price Sensitivity**: How much more are you willing to pay for a product that uses green packaging compared to one that does not? - A) Up to 5% more - B) 6-10% more - C) 11-20% more - D) More than 20% - E) I am not willing to pay more 4. **Brand Loyalty**: To what extent does a company’s commitment to sustainable packaging influence your loyalty to their brand? - A) Very influential - B) Somewhat influential - C) Neutral - D) Not very influential - E) Not at all influential 5. **Environmental Impact**: How important is a product's packaging material (plastic, cardboard, glass, etc.) in your decision-making process when considering its overall environmental impact? - A) Extremely important - B) Very important - C) Moderately important - D) Slightly important - E) Not at all important These questions can help uncover the various dimensions of consumer attitudes toward green packaging and their influence on purchase behavior.