Artificial Intelligence
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Reframe the following questions into research questionnaire base on the objective below. Objective: To identify the factors that impact consumers buying choices in relation to green packaging. Questions: 1. I like the idea of purchasing food from res

Sure! Here’s a reframed set of questions for a research questionnaire based on your objective: --- **Research Questionnaire: Factors Impacting Consumers' Buying Choices in Relation to Green Packaging** **Section 1: Attitudes Towards Social and Environmental Responsibility** 1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: "I prefer to purchase food from restaurants that prioritize social and environmental sustainability." - Strongly Disagree - Disagree - Neutral - Agree - Strongly Agree 2. How much do you agree with the following statement: "I believe it is important to support restaurants that practice social and environmental responsibility." - Strongly Disagree - Disagree - Neutral - Agree - Strongly Agree 3. To what extent do you have a positive view of restaurants that are socially and environmentally responsible? - Very Unfavorable - Unfavorable - Neutral - Favorable - Very Favorable --- These questions maintain the essence of the original inquiries while framing them in a way that aligns with the research objective of examining consumer preferences regarding green packaging.