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Story: Selena in a white dress covered her sleeping Endymion's genitals with her gentle hand

As the soft light of dawn spilled through the trees, casting delicate patterns on the forest floor, Selena gazed tenderly at Endymion, who lay peacefully beneath the shade of a grand oak. His raven-black hair contrasted sharply with the shimmering white dress she wore, a garment that flowed like liquid silk around her figure. The gentle breeze caressed her skin, almost as if nature itself was aware of the sacred moment unfolding. Selena knelt beside Endymion, her heart swelling with a mixture of love and protectiveness. She had watched over him for countless moons, enchanted by his beauty and the serenity that accompanied his deep sleep. As she covered him with her gentle hand, she felt a sense of intimacy that transcended mere physicality. It was a gesture of reverence, a silent vow to honor and safeguard the bond they shared. The world around them was still, the only sound the rustling of leaves and the distant call of a lark. In that serene cocoon, Selena felt the weight of eternity pressing against her heart. She leaned closer, her breath soft and warm against his face, and whispered sweet nothings that only the morning light could hear. In her heart, she dreamed of a day when he would awaken, when their worlds would align, and they would venture into the unknown together. As the sun crested the horizon, casting golden rays that danced over Endymion's face, Selena allowed herself to imagine the adventures that awaited them beyond this tranquil moment. She believed in the power of love and the magic that could bridge the realms of mortal and divine. And so, in the quiet of the dawn, she remained by his side, ever watchful, ever hopeful, as the world awakened around them.