Artificial Intelligence
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Elle goodman

It seems like you might be referring to a person named Elle Goodman, but I don't have specific information about her in my training data. If you could provide more context or specify what you're interested in regarding Elle Goodman, I would be happy to help! Update (2024-09-05): Elle Goodman may refer to various individuals, but without additional context, it's unclear who you have in mind. If you are looking for information about a specific Elle Goodman, please provide more details or context about their background or why you're interested in them! Update (2024-09-18): It seems you might be referring to a specific person, but without more context, it's difficult to provide a comprehensive response. "Elle Goodman" could refer to a variety of individuals in different fields, or it might not refer to a well-known figure at all. Could you please provide more details or clarify what specific information you're looking for regarding Elle Goodman?