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The National Safety and Quality Health Standards (NSQHS) provide a nationally consistent statement on the level of care consumers can expect from a health service organisation. Which of the following National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards ar

The five National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards that are most relevant to wound care are: a. Communicating for Safety Standard - Effective communication is essential in the assessment, treatment, and management of wounds. b. Preventing and Controlling Infection Standard - This standard is crucial for wound care as it focuses on preventing infections, which can significantly impact wound healing. c. Clinical Governance Standard - This standard ensures that there are systems in place for delivering quality care, including the management of wound care. d. Partnering with Consumers Standard - Involving patients in their own care is essential for effective wound management. e. Comprehensive Care Standard - This standard encompasses the overall assessment and management of a patient’s care needs, including wound care. Therefore, the relevant standards for wound care are: a, b, c, d, and e.