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Drive a research question, objective and questionnaires a achieve the objective from the below statement: state of access and utilization of toilet facilities

### Research Question What are the factors influencing access to and utilization of toilet facilities in urban and rural communities, and how do these factors affect public health outcomes? ### Research Objective To assess the current state of access to and utilization of toilet facilities in urban and rural communities and identify the socio-economic, cultural, and environmental factors that influence their usage and accessibility. ### Questionnaire Design #### Section 1: Demographic Information 1. **What is your age?** ( ) 0-17 ( ) 18-24 ( ) 25-34 ( ) 35-44 ( ) 45-54 ( ) 55-64 ( ) 65 and above 2. **What is your gender?** ( ) Male ( ) Female ( ) Other ( ) Prefer not to say 3. **What is your highest level of education?** ( ) No formal education ( ) Primary education ( ) Secondary education ( ) Tertiary education ( ) Postgraduate education 4. **What is your occupation?** ( ) Student ( ) Employed (Full-time) ( ) Employed (Part-time) ( ) Unemployed ( ) Self-employed ( ) Retired 5. **What is your household income?** ( ) Below poverty line ( ) Low-income ( ) Middle-income ( ) High-income 6. **Do you live in an urban or rural area?** ( ) Urban ( ) Rural #### Section 2: Access to Toilet Facilities 7. **How far is the nearest toilet facility from your home?** ( ) Less than 100 meters ( ) 100 - 500 meters ( ) More than 500 meters ( ) No toilet facility available 8. **What type of toilet facility do you use?** ( ) Public toilet ( ) Private toilet ( ) Shared toilet ( ) None 9. **Is the toilet facility clean and well-maintained?** ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Sometimes 10. **Do you have running water available in the toilet facility?** ( ) Yes ( ) No 11. **Are there any costs associated with using toilet facilities?** ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, please specify: ____________ #### Section 3: Utilization of Toilet Facilities 12. **How often do you use a toilet facility?** ( ) Multiple times a day ( ) Once a day ( ) Few times a week ( ) Rarely 13. **What factors influence your decision to use a toilet facility?** (Select all that apply) [ ] Cleanliness [ ] Proximity [ ] Availability of water [ ] Safety and privacy [ ] Cost 14. **Have you ever avoided using a toilet facility?** ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, please specify the reasons: ____________ 15. **Do you feel that the toilet facilities available to you meet your needs?** ( ) Yes ( ) No If no, please specify how they fall short: ____________ #### Section 4: Public Health Awareness 16. **Are you aware of any public health initiatives regarding sanitation in your community?** ( ) Yes ( ) No 17. **Have you received any education regarding proper toilet usage and sanitation?** ( ) Yes ( ) No 18. **On a scale from 1 to 5, how would you rate the public health implications of poor toilet access in your community?** (1) Not significant (2) Slightly significant (3) Moderately significant (4) Very significant (5) Extremely significant #### Section 5: General Feedback 19. **What improvements do you think are necessary for toilet access and utilization in your community?** ________________________________________________________________ 20. **Any additional comments or suggestions?** ________________________________________________________________ ### Conclusion This questionnaire aims to gather comprehensive data on the state of access and utilization of toilet facilities, including the demographic context, accessibility issues, and public health awareness, providing insight necessary to drive policy changes and improve sanitation facilities in the community.