Artificial Intelligence
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Draw the diagram of the theory of planned behavior but add one more factor before drawing.

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is a psychological theory that links beliefs and behavior. It suggests that human action is influenced by three main factors: Attitude towards the behavior, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control. To add a fourth factor, we can incorporate "Personal Values" as it can influence both attitudes and intentions. Here's how you might visualize the TPB with the additional factor: ``` Personal Values / \ / \ / \ Attitude Subjective Norm \ / \ / \ / Intention | Perceived Behavioral Control | Behavior ``` ### Explanation: - **Personal Values**: This represents the individual's fundamental beliefs and principles that play a role in shaping their attitudes and intentions towards specific behaviors. - **Attitude**: Reflects the individual's positive or negative evaluation of performing the behavior. - **Subjective Norm**: Represents the perceived social pressure to perform or not perform the behavior. - **Perceived Behavioral Control**: Refers to the individual's perception of their ability to perform the behavior. - **Intention**: The intention to perform a behavior is influenced by the three factors above. - **Behavior**: The actual performance of the behavior based on the intention. This diagram allows for a clearer understanding of how personal values can interplay with the other components of the Theory of Planned Behavior to influence behavior.