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Rant about how physical attraction is important in a relationship and how you should rather be with someone that you’re attracted to than being with someone because of what they have to offer. Make it a short rant

Let’s be real for a second: physical attraction is fundamental in any romantic relationship. It’s not shallow; it’s human nature! You can’t deny that spark, that undeniable chemistry when you lay eyes on someone who makes your heart race. It’s about that initial draw, that energy that pulls you together. Sure, having shared values, great conversations, and emotional compatibility matters, but if there’s no physical attraction, those things can’t ignite your relationship. Why settle for someone who checks all the boxes on paper—successful job, nice car, whatever—yet leaves you feeling lukewarm? You deserve to feel that fire! Being with someone purely for what they have to offer might provide security, but it can never substitute the thrill of wanting someone for who they are—both inside and out. Attraction is the spice of intimacy and passion. Without that, it’s easy to drift into a lackluster partnership where you feel like roommates rather than lovers. So prioritize attraction! You owe it to yourself to pursue a connection that makes your heart race and keeps the flames alive. Don’t let society dictate your choices; seek out that passion that makes you feel truly alive!