Artificial Intelligence
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Create a story with a bunch of onomatopoeias being two mans both named John had crashed at each other but John 1 wasn't injured while John 2 had cut his eye and had to be in the hospital for 6 days.

Once upon a time in a bustling city filled with the bustling sounds of life — honk-honk, beep-beep, and vroom-vroom — two men named John collided in an extraordinary twist of fate. It happened on a bright sunny day as John 1 was walking down the street, crunch-crunching on a bag of potato chips. Meanwhile, John 2 was steadily pedaling his bicycle, whoosh! The air whooshed around him, vibrating with the energy of the season. He was lost in thought, dreaming of the ice cream cone he would enjoy later. Suddenly, the two Johns crossed paths at a busy intersection, where the unmistakable sound of explosion-like crash! filled the air as John 2 lost control of his bike. Time seemed to slow down as everyone around them heard the loud bang! of metal meeting flesh. Upon impact, John 1 stumbled back, barely shaken. “Whoa!” exclaimed John 1 as he looked at John 2, who had fallen to the pavement with a thud! The crowd gasped with a collective, “Oh!” as John 2 clutched his face, blood trickling down from a cut by his eye. Drip-drip, the color pooling on the concrete beneath him. “Are you okay?” John 1 asked, the worry evident in his voice. “Not really,” John 2 muttered through gritted teeth, wincing with a hush-hush of pain as his heart raced. The sirens started to wail - nee-naw, nee-naw - signaling that help was on the way. After what felt like an eternity, an ambulance screeched to a halt with a loud screech! and paramedics rushed out. “We got you!” one of them called as they swiftly assessed the situation, their hands moving efficiently with a whoosh of adrenaline. Band-aids rustled and gauze crinkled as they tended to John 2’s wound. Hours later, John 2 found himself in a brightly lit hospital room, where the beeping of machines created a symphony of tension - beep-beep, beep-beep. His eye was patched up with a bandage, and he could hardly see. For six long days, he was greeted by the soft slosh of nurses moving around and the occasional clink of a tray being set down. During this time, John 1 visited daily, bringing gifts of magazines, cookies that crumbled with a soft crunch, and shared stories that made John 2 laugh, letting out a hearty ha-ha despite his predicament. Finally, on the sixth day, John 2 was cleared for discharge. He could feel the whoosh of freedom as he stepped out of the hospital, sun shining and everything feeling bright. “I am never riding a bike again!” he declared dramatically, glancing at John 1 with a goofy grin. “Maybe we should just avoid crashing into each other next time,” John 1 replied, chuckling. With a smile and a wave, the two Johns parted ways, the echo of their laughter blending with the vibrant sounds of the city — honk-honk, vroom-vroom, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.