Artificial Intelligence
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. Create a chart illustrating the 6 weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. In each box write the weakness and then illustrate. Please title your paper “Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.” Then on the back of the paper choose one weaknesses

### Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation | Weakness | Definition | Picture/Illustration | |----------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------| | **1. No Power to Tax** | The federal government did not have the authority to levy taxes. | ![Illustration of an empty wallet or a government building with a "No Tax" sign] | | **2. No Centralized Army** | There was no national army, making it difficult to defend against threats.| ![Illustration of soldiers scattered or a "Help Wanted" sign for an army] | | **3. Lack of National Unity** | Each state acted independently, often conflicting with one another. | ![Illustration of separate puzzle pieces not fitting together] | | **4. Difficult Amendment Process** | Amendments required unanimous consent, making changes nearly impossible. | ![Illustration of a locked door with "No Change" sign] | | **5. No Executive Branch** | There was no office to enforce laws or carry out national policy. | ![Illustration of a gavel with a broken handle] | | **6. Poor Regulation of Trade** | The federal government could not regulate interstate or foreign trade. | ![Illustration of a busy trade route with chaos or confusion] | --- ### Defense of the Weakness that Hurt the Articles of Confederation the Most **Weakness: No Power to Tax** Among the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, the lack of power to tax was the most detrimental. Without the ability to levy taxes, the federal government struggled to generate revenue to fund essential services, including military defense, infrastructure, and public welfare. This resulted in a reliance on voluntary contributions from states, which were often insufficient and unpredictable. The inability to raise funds directly led to a lack of national unity and hindered the government's ability to effectively address internal and external threats. For example, during Shays' Rebellion, the government faced difficulty in raising a militia to quell the insurgency because it lacked the financial resources to do so. In contrast, a functioning federal government with the power to tax could have mobilized resources more effectively, ensuring stability and security. Furthermore, the absence of taxation tied directly into the broader issue of legitimacy. Without the means to finance itself, the federal government appeared weak and ineffective, leading to a lack of respect from both foreign nations and its own citizens. Thus, the craving for reform that ultimately led to the Constitutional Convention stemmed primarily from the perceived failures associated with the Articles’ inability to tax, pointing to its critical role in the overall functioning of government.