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Copper cathodes are a key intermediate product in the copper extraction and refining process. They are produced from the electrolytic refining of copper ore or scrap metal and are typically made of 99.99% pure copper. Here are some key points about copper cathodes: ### Production Process: 1. **Mining**: Copper is often extracted from ores through processes such as open-pit mining or underground mining. 2. **Concentration**: The ore is typically crushed and then treated to concentrate copper minerals, often using flotation or heap leaching. 3. **Electrolytic Refining**: The concentrated copper is dissolved in an electrolyte solution, and during electrolysis, copper ions are deposited onto a cathode, usually made of a sheet of pure copper. 4. **Harvesting**: After a certain period, the deposited copper is removed, and the cathodes are cut into standard sizes. ### Characteristics: - **Purity**: Copper cathodes are used primarily as a source of pure copper, with a very high level of purity (typically 99.99%). - **Form**: They are usually produced in rectangular shapes, weighing about 200 kg (440 lbs). - **Appearance**: They have a bright, metallic appearance and are often heavy due to the density of copper. ### Applications: - **Electrical Wiring**: Copper cathodes are used to make electrical wires, cables, and components due to their excellent conductivity. - **Electronics**: They are widely used in the manufacturing of electronic devices and circuit boards. - **Construction**: Copper is utilized in plumbing, roofing, and building materials. - **Alloys**: Copper cathodes can also be alloyed with other metals to create brass, bronze, and other materials. ### Market: - Copper cathodes are traded on various commodity exchanges and their prices can fluctuate based on supply and demand dynamics, geopolitical factors, and global economic conditions. - Major producers of copper cathodes include countries like Chile, Peru, China, and the United States. ### Environmental Impact: The production of copper cathodes involves environmentally sensitive processes, especially mining and refining, which can lead to habitat disruption and pollution if not managed properly. Sustainable practices and recycling of copper are important for minimizing environmental impact. In summary, copper cathodes play a crucial role in the copper supply chain, serving as a primary source of pure copper for various industrial applications.