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Convert the following into APA referencing 7th edition format: References  Anand, S., & Kumar, A. (2019). Consumers’ exploration of green packaging: In the perspective of marketing. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Engineering and Research,

Here are the references formatted according to APA 7th edition: Anand, S., & Kumar, A. (2019). Consumers’ exploration of green packaging: In the perspective of marketing. *International Journal of Advanced Trends in Engineering and Research, 6*(1), 329-332. Arkaraprasertkul, P., & Smutkupt, P. (2019). Factors influencing purchase intention towards green packaging in the cosmetic industry in Thailand. *Journal of Health Research, 33*(2), 178-187. Ameyaw, E. E., Asante, D. M., & Agyeman, K. (2021). Consumer behavior towards sustainable packaging: The case of Oda, Ghana. *Journal of Cleaner Production, 305,* 126857. Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. *Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50*(2), 179-211. Acheampong, E. F., Agyekum, K., & Boadi, K. (2021). Sustainable consumer behavior: The role of awareness and green packaging. *Journal of Environmental Management, 289,* 112467. Agyekum, K., & Boadi, K. (2020). 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