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Colombian proverbs and their meanings

Colombian proverbs, also known as "refranes," reflect the culture, wisdom, and experiences of the Colombian people. Here are some popular Colombian proverbs along with their meanings: 1. **"El que no arriesga, no gana."** - **Translation:** "He who does not take risks, does not win." - **Meaning:** You must take chances in life if you hope to achieve success or gain something worthwhile. 2. **"A mal tiempo, buena cara."** - **Translation:** "In bad weather, a good face." - **Meaning:** It encourages staying positive and optimistic even in difficult situations or tough times. 3. **"Camarón que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente."** - **Translation:** "A shrimp that falls asleep is carried away by the current." - **Meaning:** It emphasizes the importance of being alert and proactive; if you're not attentive, you might miss opportunities or suffer consequences. 4. **"El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta."** - **Translation:** "He who covers too much, holds little." - **Meaning:** If you try to do too many things at once, you may end up accomplishing nothing effectively. 5. **"Dime con quién andas, y te diré quién eres."** - **Translation:** "Tell me who you walk with, and I will tell you who you are." - **Meaning:** This proverb suggests that your friends and acquaintances reflect your character, values, and behavior. 6. **"Más vale tarde que nunca."** - **Translation:** "Better late than never." - **Meaning:** It is preferable to do something late than not to do it at all. It underscores the importance of action. 7. **"No hay mal que por bien no venga."** - **Translation:** "There's no bad that doesn't bring about good." - **Meaning:** Adversity or misfortune often leads to better outcomes or lessons learned in the long run. 8. **"De tal palo, tal astilla."** - **Translation:** "From such a stick, such a splinter." - **Meaning:** Children often resemble their parents, whether in behavior, traits, or values. It highlights familial resemblance. 9. **"A buen hambre no hay mal pan."** - **Translation:** "To a good hunger, there’s no bad bread." - **Meaning:** When you're in need, you will appreciate whatever is available, no matter its quality. 10. **"La paciencia es la madre de la ciencia."** - **Translation:** "Patience is the mother of science." - **Meaning:** Patience is crucial for success and understanding; it suggests that thoughtful persistence leads to knowledge and accomplishment. These proverbs reflect various aspects of life, offering wisdom on relationships, work, and personal growth while capturing the spirit of Colombian culture.