Artificial Intelligence
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Classify the following items under state function, process variable, extensive or intensive a. Volume b. Specific heat capacity c. Internal energy d. Work done by the system e. Gibbs energy f. Enthalpy g. Entropy h. Heat capacity

Here’s the classification of the items you provided: 1. **Volume** - Classification: **Extensive** - Description: Volume depends on the quantity of matter in the system. 2. **Specific heat capacity** - Classification: **Intensive** - Description: Specific heat capacity is a property that does not depend on the amount of substance present. 3. **Internal energy** - Classification: **Extensive** and **State function** - Description: Internal energy is a property that depends on the amount of substance in the system and is a state function. 4. **Work done by the system** - Classification: **Process variable** - Description: Work is not a property of the system and depends on the path taken in a process. 5. **Gibbs energy** - Classification: **State function** and **Extensive** - Description: Gibbs energy is a thermodynamic potential that depends on the state of the system and its quantity. 6. **Enthalpy** - Classification: **State function** and **Extensive** - Description: Enthalpy is related to the internal energy and depends on the amount of substance. 7. **Entropy** - Classification: **State function** and **Extensive** - Description: Entropy is a measure of the disorder of a system and is an extensive property. 8. **Heat capacity** - Classification: **Extensive** - Description: Heat capacity depends on the amount of substance present. However, **specific heat capacity** is intensive. In summary: - **Extensive Properties**: Volume, Internal Energy, Gibbs Energy, Enthalpy, Entropy, Heat Capacity - **Intensive Properties**: Specific Heat Capacity - **State Functions**: Internal Energy, Gibbs Energy, Enthalpy, Entropy - **Process Variable**: Work Done by the System