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Write a promo monologue in the style of kane after he unmasked

[The arena is dark, the lights flicker ominously, and the familiar sound of heavy breathing echoes through the speakers. The camera pans to the entrance ramp, where Kane steps into the spotlight, unmasked and revealing the man behind the monster. The crowd is a mix of awe and shock, as he raises his microphone.] Kane: *[voice low and gravelly]* "Through the shadows, I walked. Through the fire, I forged my path. For years, I was a creature of darkness, a titan of terror. But tonight, I stand before you—no longer the mask, no longer the legend, but rather the man. The man who has been hiding beneath the facade. The man who has faced demons within and without. *[He pauses, surveying the crowd with a cold, piercing stare.]* You thought you knew me, didn’t you? You thought the mask defined who I am. But now, you see the truth. This is not just a man with a face; this is a legacy forged in pain, betrayal, and relentless fury. The mask may be gone, but the rage, the fire—it burns brighter than ever! *[The crowd erupts into a mix of cheers and boos, clearly captivated by the intensity of his words.]* You see, I've felt the sting of rejection. I've tasted the bitterness of abandonment. You thought this was over for me… that the mask was my only identity. But it is not! The mask provided anonymity, a shield against a world that feared what it couldn’t understand. Now, I am unbound, unchained, and unleashed upon this very domain—ready to bring down the wrath of a thousand hells upon all who dare to cross me! *[He steps forward, intensity radiating from him as he gestures widely.]* This is a warning! All those who think they can prey upon my darkness, all those who think they can stand in my way—you will learn that the unmasking does not signify weakness; it signifies a rebirth! *[He looks deep into the camera, as if speaking directly to his adversaries.]* So whether you’re hiding behind your titles or lurking in the shadows of the locker room, know this: you will feel my vengeance. You will see the true face of fear. No masks, no barriers—just the raw, unfiltered wrath of the Devil’s Favorite Demon! *[With a final, commanding shout, he raises his fist high in the air.]* Get ready, because Kane is here. And I will leave a path of destruction in my wake. Welcome to my world!" *[The audience erupts as he drops the mic, fire erupts from the corners of the ring, and the arena is filled with the sound of a crescendoing theme. The stage is set for chaos as the new reign of terror begins.]*