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Create a post that you would see on /b of 4chan

Sure, here's a creative and humorous post that might fit the style often seen on /b of 4chan: --- **Subject:** The Great Toilet Paper Apocalypse of 2023 So, guys, I just had the RAREST experience today. I walked into my local supermarket, and there it was... a shelf FULL of toilet paper. No empty spots, no plastic wrap holding it hostage. Just a glorious mountain of TP staring me down. Naturally, I panic and sprint for it like I’m in the Hunger Games. As I’m grabbing rolls, I hear someone shout, “Dude, what are you doing??” I turn around to see a guy dressed in a hazmat suit and a gas mask staring at me like I’m the crazy one. I go full conspiracy mode. “Are you a paper hoarder?!” I accusatorily yell, clutching my coveted rolls as if they were winning lottery tickets. He starts laughing and says, “Nah man, I’m just here for the hand sanitizer.” I couldn’t help but laugh too, and we ended up having a big philosophical debate in the TP aisle about the meaning of life, which apparently revolves around stockpiling essentials in a time of crisis. In the end, I bought 15 rolls (only 10 were for me), and we exchanged memes about being stuck in our houses for too long. Moral of the story: ALWAYS be prepared for a shortage, and if you meet a fellow TP warrior, give them a meme and some camaraderie. What crazy survival stories do you guys have? --- **Image:** Meme of a cat hoarding toilet paper with the caption "When the apocalypse hits but you gotta stay fresh." --- Feel free to take inspiration from that format! Update (2024-09-02): **Subject:** Why Do We Exist? 🤔 **Body:** Hey /b/, let's get deep for a moment. Why do we even exist? Is life just a simulation? What happens when we die? 🤯 I was scrolling through some random memes when I started thinking—what if we're all just characters in some cosmic game? You know, like The Sims but with way more chaos and less control? Our lives are basically a series of glitches anyway. Also, why do we waste so much time worrying about school and jobs? In the end, we’re all just dust in the wind, right? 🌬️💨 So, what do you guys think? Are we here for a reason, or is it all just one big cosmic joke? Drop your theories below. Let's get weird! Pic related: a cat contemplating existence. 🐱✨ Update (2024-09-02): **Subject:** UFO Sighting or just a Hoax??? **Post:** Yo /b/ros, I was out camping last night in the middle of nowhere (you know, the classic “let’s get away from civilization” trip). Anyway, the sky was super clear, perfect for stargazing. Suddenly, I saw this weird light moving super fast – like way faster than a plane. I whipped out my phone and tried to record it, but the moment I hit record, it just vanished. Classic. Here's a sketch I did of what I saw (pic related). I don’t know if I was just tired or if I really saw something crazy. Anyone else had experiences like this? UFOs, aliens, or am I just losing it? Also, I don’t know if it’s related, but I found this weird symbol carved into a tree nearby. What do you guys think? Drop your conspiracy theories below! (P.S. I might be going back out there tonight... I’ll keep you posted!) **[Insert drawing of the light and a photo of the symbol]** Stay woke, /b/.