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Write a promo monologue in the style of the rock from the wwf attitude era

**[The arena lights dim and the crowd erupts as the unmistakable guitar riff of The Rock’s theme song hits. The Great One strides to the center of the ring, microphone in hand, a confident smirk plastered across his face. He raises an eyebrow and paces back and forth, soaking in the energy of the crowd.]** **The Rock:** "Finally—the Rock has come back to *[insert city name]*! And let The Rock tell you something—tonight, we’re not just here to lay the SmackDown on some jabroni! No, no, no! The Rock is here to electrify this entire arena! The Rock is here to throw down in the name of competition, in the name of glory, and in the name of all those who dare to step into The Rock’s world!" **[The crowd erupts with cheers, chanting "Rocky! Rocky! Rocky!"]** **The Rock:** "Now, The Rock knows there’s another superstar lurking in the shadows, a wannabe who thinks they can take The Rock to school. But let The Rock make this perfectly clear: when it comes to laying the smack, nobody does it better than The People’s Champion! No one! Because The Rock has more charisma in his left eyebrow than you have in your entire body! And at our next showdown, you will find out exactly why they call him the most electrifying man in sports entertainment!" **[He pauses, looking around at the fervent crowd, a twinkle of mischief in his eye.]** **The Rock:** "You see, it doesn’t matter if you’re big, it doesn’t matter if you’re bad, and it sure as hell doesn’t matter if you think you can run your mouth, because when The Rock gets in that ring, the only thing you’re going to hear is the sound of *the most electrifying fists in sports entertainment* hitting your jaw! And you best believe, when that bell rings, it won’t be just any match—oh no! It’s going to be a showdown of epic proportions! A blockbuster event that will have everyone standing on their feet!" **[He raises his finger and points towards the camera as if addressing the entire world.]** **The Rock:** "So, if you smell what The Rock is cooking, you know this: The Rock isn’t just coming to win; he’s coming to show the world that he’s the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be! You want to tangle with The Great One? Bring it! Because when all is said and done, after the smoke clears and the dust settles, there’s one thing that will remain true: there’s only one Brahma Bull, and when he lays the SmackDown, you can bet your candy ass that you’re going to be left lying in the middle of that ring!" **[The crowd is riled up, chanting his name as he flashes his signature smile.]** **The Rock:** "So go ahead, take your best shot, because The Rock is ready for war! And remember, when you step into the ring with The Rock, you better be ready to feel the… **[pauses for effect]** …**SMACKDOWN!**" **[The crowd erupts once again as The Rock raises the microphone high, ready to leave the entire arena buzzing with excitement.]**