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base58 decode 1FwZXt6EpRT7Fkndzv6K4b4DFoT4trbMrV to sha256

To decode a Base58 string and then hash it with SHA-256, you would follow these steps: 1. **Base58 Decode**: Convert the Base58 string into a byte array. 2. **SHA-256 Hashing**: Take the resulting byte array and generate its SHA-256 hash. Let me do this for you: 1. **Base58 Decode**: The provided Base58 string is `1FwZXt6EpRT7Fkndzv6K4b4DFoT4trbMrV`. When decoded from Base58, it results in a byte array. 2. **SHA-256 Hash**: Once you have the byte array, you apply the SHA-256 hashing algorithm to obtain the hash. ### Here is a Python example to accomplish this: ```python import hashlib import base58 # Base58 string base58_string = '1FwZXt6EpRT7Fkndzv6K4b4DFoT4trbMrV' # Step 1: Decode from Base58 decoded_bytes = base58.b58decode(base58_string) # Step 2: SHA-256 hashing sha256_hash = hashlib.sha256(decoded_bytes).hexdigest() print(sha256_hash) ``` ### Note: Make sure to have the `base58` library installed in your Python environment. You can install it using pip: ```bash pip install base58 ``` ### Running the Code When you run the above code, it will give you the SHA-256 hash of the decoded byte array from the Base58 string `1FwZXt6EpRT7Fkndzv6K4b4DFoT4trbMrV`. You can also perform these same steps using various programming languages or tools that support Base58 decoding and SHA-256 hashing. If you'd like, I can help you with examples in different languages!