Artificial Intelligence
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Mangalani Mudau would determine whether the implemented plan resulted in the attainment of the established goals during: **b. Step 5: Reactive planning.** Reactive planning typically involves assessing the outcomes of the implemented plans and determining if the goals set in the initial step were achieved.

The correct answer is **a. efficiency**. Efficiency refers to the ability to achieve a goal using the least amount of resources possible. In this case, the goal is to reach a target of 100 tons worth of deliveries per month while minimizing the use of labor, input, time, and equipment.

The correct statement about the middle management level is: **d. Middle managers design and carry out tactical plans.** Middle managers typically focus on implementing the strategic goals set by upper management through tactical planning and coordinating the activities of lower management and staff.

d. the contingency approach to management The contingency approach to management suggests that there is no single best way to manage; instead, it emphasizes adapting management styles and practices to the specific context and circumstances. In this case, Mr. Yusuf Affi is recognizing that different environments (manufacturing vs. academic) require different approaches to management, and he should adapt his style accordingly to suit the

Taskeen Aboobaker, as an operations manager who arranges meetings with subordinates and collaborates on projects, is part of the **middle management** level. Middle management typically oversees the activities of lower management and reports to senior management while ensuring that the company's policies and objectives are effectively implemented at the operational level. So the correct answer is **d. middle management**.

The correct answer is: **b. representative figure; leader; maintaining good relations** In the interpersonal role of a CEO, they typically act as a figurehead or representative for the organization, lead the team and staff, and work on maintaining good relationships both within the organization and with external stakeholders.

The correct statement regarding the triple bottom line is: c. It measures the business’s financial, social and environmental impact. The triple bottom line framework evaluates a company's commitment to sustainability by considering economic (profit), social (people), and environmental (planet) aspects.