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La respuesta correcta es A. Canis, C. latrans. El género es Canis y la especie es C. latrans, que corresponde al coyote, un animal no domesticado de la familia Canidae. La opción D, "Canis lupus", también se refiere a un animal no domesticado (el lobo) y pertenece a la familia Canidae, pero en el contexto de buscar un animal específico que sea comúnmente conocido como no domesticado entre los ejemplos, el coyote es una buena opción. Sin

La nueva especie de planta que has descrito tiene raíces, tallos y hojas verdaderos, y se reproduce produciendo semillas dentro de un fruto. Esta característica de producir semillas dentro de un fruto es típica de las plantas angiospermas. Por lo tanto, la clasificación correcta a la que pertenece esta nueva especie de planta es: **D. angiosperma**.

La opción que describe una característica que los virus tienen en común con los organismos vivos es: B. Los virus contienen información genética en forma de ADN o ARN. Aunque los virus no son considerados organismos vivos en el sentido estricto, sí contienen información genética, lo que les permite replicarse cuando infectan una célula huésped.

La característica que poseen únicamente los organismos que pertenecen al clado eucariota es: **A. Presencia de un núcleo rodeado de membrana** Los organismos eucariotas se distinguen por tener un núcleo definido que contiene su material genético, a diferencia de las arqueas y las bacterias, que son procariotas y carecen de núcleo membranoso.

La opción que puede citarse como evidencia de la teoría de la endosimbiosis es: **C. Los ribosomas de los cloroplastos son más similares en estructura a los ribosomas encontrados en procariotas que a los ribosomas encontrados en eucariotas.** Esta opción es relevante porque sugiere que los cloroplastos, que se originaron a partir de bacterias fotosintéticas, conservan características que son más cercanas a las de las células procariotas

La teoría de la endosimbiosis ayuda a explicar principalmente **A. La evolución de los eucariotas**. Esta teoría sugiere que las mitocondrias (y también los cloroplastos en el caso de las plantas) se originaron a partir de bacterias que fueron absorbidas por células eucariotas primitivas, lo que llevó a la evolución de células más complejas. Esta relación simbiótica fue fundamental para la aparición de organismos eucariotas, que son

La opción que tiene todas las características en común de las plantas es: **D. pluricelular, eucariota, fotosintético.** Las plantas son organismos pluricelulares, están formadas por células eucariotas y realizan la fotosíntesis para producir su propio alimento. Las otras opciones no son correctas porque incluyen organismos unicelulares o procariotas, o no se refieren a características de las plantas.

One important difference between viruses and living things is that viruses are not considered living organisms because they cannot carry out metabolic processes on their own. Viruses require a host cell to replicate and reproduce, while living organisms are capable of maintaining homeostasis, growing, responding to stimuli, and reproducing independently. Additionally, living things are made up of cells, which viruses lack.

When considering applying for a role at Salesforce, several factors might attract you to the position. Here are some key elements that can make a role at Salesforce appealing: 1. **Innovative Technology**: Salesforce is a leader in cloud-based solutions and customer relationship management (CRM). The opportunity to work with cutting-edge technology and contribute to innovative products can be very compelling. 2. **Company Culture**: Salesforce

**Affidavit of Unemployment** **State of [Your State]** **County of [Your County]** I, [Your Full Name], of [Your Address], being duly sworn, do hereby depose and state the following: 1. I am currently unemployed and have been since [Date of Unemployment]. 2. I am actively seeking employment but have not yet secured a position. 3. I have applied for various job openings and have participated in interviews; however, I have not received any

Here are some sample multiple choice questions that can be asked regarding the condition of toilet facilities: 1. **How would you rate the overall cleanliness of the toilet facility?** - A) Very Clean - B) Clean - C) Moderately Clean - D) Dirty - E) Very Dirty 2. **Are there enough toilet stalls available for use?** - A) Yes, more than enough - B) Yes, adequate - C) Somewhat sufficient - D) No, too few - E) No,

Yes, you can sell your eBook multiple times to anyone, including a service like Beacon AI, as long as you retain the rights to your work and do not violate any agreements or terms of service. If you're planning to sell your eBook through a specific platform or service, ensure that you understand their policies regarding selling and reselling content. If you have a unique arrangement or licensing agreement in mind, be sure to clarify the terms as

Canvas Pro, part of the Canvas learning management system (LMS), can provide various benefits depending on your role (instructor, student, administrator). Here are several ways it can help: ### For Instructors: 1. **Advanced Features**: Canvas Pro may offer advanced tools for course design, analytics, and assessment capabilities. 2. **Customizable Learning Paths**: You can create personalized learning experiences for students based on their

Canva is a versatile graphic design platform that offers a range of benefits, particularly for individuals and businesses looking to create visual content. Here are some key advantages you can gain from using Canva: 1. **User-Friendly Interface**: Canva's drag-and-drop functionality makes it easy for users of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced designers, to create professional-looking designs without needing extensive graphic design

To get paid for writing a longread, you typically need to follow a few steps, which may vary depending on the platform or publication you are working with. Here are some general guidelines: 1. **Pitch Your Idea**: Many publications or platforms that pay for longreads require you to pitch your article idea first. Make sure to present a clear and compelling proposal that outlines your topic, angle, and why it's relevant or interesting. 2.

It seems like you're referring to "Starsession Olivia," which may pertain to a specific thematic photoshoot or artistic project. However, I don’t have enough detailed context to provide information. If you could provide more details about what you're looking for, such as the context (is it a movie, music video, artistic project, etc.?), I would be happy to help!

Long-read payments, often associated with transactions that involve larger sums or extended payment terms, can refer to various methods depending on the context (e.g., consumer payments, business transactions, or specific industries). Here are several common methods of long-read payment: 1. **Bank Transfers**: Direct transfers from one bank account to another, often used for larger sums. This method may take a few days to process depending on

Long-read tasks generally refer to the processing and analysis of long sequences of data, typically in fields such as genomics, natural language processing (NLP), or document analysis. Here's an overview of how long-read tasks work in different contexts: ### Genomics In genomics, long-read sequencing technologies (like those from PacBio or Oxford Nanopore) allow researchers to read longer sections of DNA or RNA. This offers several advantages