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Answer this question from Turo as an agent; A three-dot [●●●] shortcut menu appears on the table list & gallery view for hosts to edit their listings. What are the menu option that can be seen once the three-dot shortcut is clicked?

When you click the three-dot [●●●] shortcut menu in the table list and gallery view for hosts on Turo, you'll typically see the following options for editing your listings: 1. **Edit Listing** - Allows you to make changes to your vehicle’s details, availability, pricing, and other specifications. 2. **Manage Listing** - Provides options for managing the status of your listing, such as activating, deactivating, or temporarily unlisting your vehicle. 3. **View Listing** - Directs you to the public view of your listing as it appears to potential renters. 4. **Delete Listing** - Gives you the option to remove the listing permanently from the platform. Please check the Turo platform for any updates or changes to the menu options specific to your account or region.