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answer these about the southern colonies of the united states when they were formed in the present tense: Culture Population- Who already lives there? Who founded each colony and for what reasons? Recreational activities-What did they do for fun? Arg

**Culture**: The Southern Colonies have a rich culture influenced by English, African, and Native American traditions. Agriculture plays a central role in daily life. **Population**: Indigenous peoples, including various tribes like the Powhatan, already live in the region. Enslaved Africans also contribute to the population. **Colonial Founders**: - Virginia is founded by the Virginia Company for profit through tobacco cultivation. - Maryland is established by Lord Baltimore for religious freedom for Catholics. - Carolina is founded by a group of eight nobles seeking wealth and land. - Georgia is founded by James Oglethorpe as a refuge for debtors and a buffer against Spanish Florida. **Recreational Activities**: People engage in hunting, fishing, dancing, and attending social gatherings. Horse racing and public fairs are popular. **Arguments for Superiority**: The Southern Colonies have fertile land and a warm climate, which allow for profitable cash crops. They also develop a strong sense of community and hospitality. **Regional Problems**: The Southern Colonies face issues like economic reliance on a single crop, conflicts with Native Americans, and social tensions stemming from slavery. These factors can lead to instability and unrest, tarnishing their image.