Artificial Intelligence
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Answer the question in 80 words related to LibreOffice Calc: 1. Define the terms (a) Consolidate function (b) What-if analysis (c) Goal seek 2. Give one point of difference between (a) Subtotal and What-if (b) What-if scenario and What-if tool

1. (a) The Consolidate function in LibreOffice Calc combines data from multiple ranges to create a single summary, often for analysis. (b) What-if analysis explores the effects of changing input values on project outcomes. (c) Goal Seek is a What-if analysis tool that determines the required input value needed to achieve a specific result. 2. (a) Subtotal aggregates data within a range, while What-if analysis tests different scenarios. (b) What-if scenarios are predefined conditions, whereas the What-if tool allows interactive analysis. 3. Advantages of data analysis tools include improved decision-making through insights and enhanced efficiency in processing substantial data sets. 4. Two tools for data analysis are Pivot Tables and the Data Analysis Toolpak. 5. Criteria for consolidating sheets include the need for similar structures and data formats across sheets. 6. The tool used to create an outline for selected data is the Subtotal feature.