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Create a comprehensive collection of Moderate Conservatism textbooks, categorized into novice, intermediate, and advanced levels for optimal performance.

Certainly! Here is a categorized list of textbooks on Moderate Conservatism, structured by novice, intermediate, and advanced levels. These selections cover foundational concepts, historical development, and contemporary discussions around Moderate Conservatism. ### Novice Level 1. **"The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot" by Russell Kirk** - An introduction to conservative thought, focusing on key figures and principles. 2. **"What It Means to Be a Conservative" by Keith A. Malcomson** - A straightforward overview that outlines the basic tenets and values of Conservatism. 3. **"A Brief History of Conservatism: From Ancient Times to the 21st Century" by David M. Anderson** - This book presents a timeline and highlights major developments in conservative thought, suitable for beginners. 4. **"Conservatism: An Anthology of Social and Political Thought from David Hume to the Present" edited by Jerry Z. Muller** - A curated selection of essential readings from conservative thinkers. ### Intermediate Level 5. **"The Conservative Tradition: A History of Conservative Political Theory in the West" by Glenn R. Morrow** - An analysis of the evolution of conservative political theory, touching on moderate conservatism. 6. **"Moderate Conservatism: A Political Ideology in Flux" by Andrea Louise Campbell** - A detailed study of moderate conservatism's place within the broader spectrum of political ideologies. 7. **"Ashes of the American Mind: The Education of Our Children in the 21st Century" by William L. Taylor** - Examines the intersection of education and moderate conservatism, exploring how conservative principles apply in modern contexts. 8. **"The Road to Freedom: How to Win the Fight for Our American Values" by David Brooks** - An exploration of conservative principles and modest governance while addressing contemporary social issues. ### Advanced Level 9. **"The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America Since 1945" by George H. Nash** - A comprehensive analysis of the development of conservative thought in the United States, with insights into moderate conservatism. 10. **"The New Conservatism: The Quiet Revolution in American Politics" by Roger Scruton** - Scruton’s critical examination of the transformation within conservative ideology and its moderate branches. 11. **"Moderate Politics: A Study of Political Moderation and Its Discontents" by Michael C. Mackenzie** - An in-depth scholarly treatment of moderate politics, reflecting on the challenges and potential of moderate conservatism. 12. **"Conservatism: A Philosophy of Imperfection" by Andrew Sullivan** - Provides a nuanced look into conservative philosophy with an emphasis on moderation and realism in political thought. ### Conclusion This curated collection provides a well-rounded understanding of Moderate Conservatism across various levels of complexity, from foundational concepts to advanced political theory. Whether you are just starting or looking to deepen your understanding, these texts will serve as valuable resources.