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A an old classmate is mad at you because of how you spoke to him. He got angry and left the group chat. Compose a rant telling him you’re sorry for how you made him feel telling him that it wasn’t something to take personal but since he doesn’t like it t

Hey [Classmate's Name], I just wanted to take a moment to address what happened the other day because it’s really bothering me. I’m truly sorry for how my words made you feel. That was never my intention. I thought we were past taking things personally, but I see now that I crossed a line, and for that, I genuinely apologize. Remember the good old days on 2go? We used to be close, sharing laughs and stories without a care in the world. It feels like just yesterday we were inseparable. Now it seems like we’re more like cat and rat, always at odds. I can’t quite grasp how things have changed so drastically between us. I miss the camaraderie we had, and it really saddens me that things have come to this. I want you to know that I value our friendship and the history we share. It feels wrong not having you in the group chat, where we can all connect and support each other like we used to. So please, can we put this behind us? I would love for you to return to the group chat and maybe talk things through. Let’s not allow misunderstandings to create a rift between us. We’ve always been able to work things out before, so I hope we can do it again. Take care, and I hope to hear from you soon.