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A 10-minute report on "Competition for resources: Russia's role in global economic competition"

# Competition for Resources: Russia's Role in Global Economic Competition ## Introduction (1 minute) Good [morning/afternoon/evening]. Today, I’ll be discussing the critical role Russia plays in the global competition for resources. In an increasingly interconnected world, nations are vying for access to essential resources such as energy, minerals, and agricultural products. Russia, endowed with vast reserves and strategic assets, finds itself at the center of these geopolitical tensions and economic strategies. ## Russia's Resource Wealth (2 minutes) ### A. Energy Resources - **Oil and Natural Gas**: Russia is one of the largest producers and exporters of oil and natural gas globally. It holds approximately 12% of the world’s oil reserves and is a leading supplier to Europe and Asia. - **Geopolitical Leverage**: The Nord Stream pipelines, for example, have showcased how energy dependence can shift geopolitical power dynamics in favor of Russia. ### B. Minerals and Metals - **Mineral Reserves**: Russia possesses significant reserves of important minerals, including diamonds, platinum, palladium, and nickel. - **Technological Implications**: These materials are crucial for the technology sector, particularly in battery production for electric vehicles and various high-tech applications. ### C. Agricultural Resources - **Food Security**: As one of the world's largest wheat exporters, Russia plays a vital role in global food security. Its agricultural sector has been gaining prominence as climate change alters traditional farming powerhouses. ## Global Economic Competition (3 minutes) ### A. OPEC and the Energy Market - **Influence on Oil Prices**: Russia collaborates with OPEC in what is known as OPEC+, influencing global oil pricing and production strategies. This cooperation has significant implications for competing economies reliant on oil revenues. ### B. BRICS and Emerging Economies - **Partnerships**: Russia's role in BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) illustrates its ambition to reshape global governance and economic competition through collaboration with emerging economies. - **Aligning Interests**: By aligning itself with countries with similar interests, Russia seeks to counterbalance the influence of Western powers, particularly in trade and resource control. ### C. Renewable Energy Sector - **Strategic Realignment**: As the world shifts towards renewable energy, Russia’s response—through investments in green technology and sustainable development—will be critical in dictating its future global standing. ## Geopolitical Tensions (2 minutes) ### A. Sanctions and Isolation - **Western Sanctions**: Following events such as the annexation of Crimea and conflicts in Ukraine, Russia has been subjected to various international sanctions. This has prompted Moscow to look for alternative markets in Asia and Africa. - **Economic Resilience**: Russia has been forced to adapt, leading to increased trade with countries like China and India, altering global supply chains. ### B. Arctic Exploration - **New Frontiers**: The melting Arctic opens new shipping routes and access to untapped resources. Russia is investing heavily in Arctic infrastructure to secure its interests in this rapidly changing environment. ### C. Competition with the West - **Influence in Europe and Asia**: As the U.S. and Europe vie for influence, Russia uses its resource wealth as leverage, impacting decisions on sanctions, military presence, and energy dependency. ## Conclusion (2 minutes) In summary, Russia’s vast natural resources position it as a key player in the global competition for resources. Its strategic moves within energy markets, alliances with emerging economies, and responses to geopolitical tensions illustrate how resource wealth extends beyond mere economics—it shapes national security and global governance. As we move forward, understanding this dynamic will be essential for anticipating shifts in the global order and the interplay of competition and cooperation in resource management. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to any questions or discussions you may have.