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Give an example of fgd report where farmers and extension agents did question and answer session (introduction)

**Focus Group Discussion Report: Farmers and Extension Agents Q&A Session** **Date:** [Insert Date] **Location:** [Insert Location] **Facilitator:** [Insert Facilitator Name] **Participants:** - Farmers: [List Names or Total Number of Farmers] - Extension Agents: [List Names or Total Number of Extension Agents] --- ### Introduction The focus group discussion (FGD) was convened to foster dialogue between local farmers and agricultural extension agents. The primary objective of the session was to create a platform for knowledge exchange, addressing the queries that farmers have regarding best practices, technologies, and methods for improving agricultural productivity. The session began with an introduction of the participants, where each farmer shared their name, the type of crops they grow, and their years of farming experience. The extension agents introduced themselves, highlighting their roles, expertise, and the support they provide to the farming community. #### Objectives of the Session: 1. To identify the common challenges faced by farmers in their agricultural practices. 2. To provide an opportunity for farmers to ask specific questions regarding crop management, pest control, and sustainable practices. 3. To gather insights from extension agents on the latest agricultural trends and innovations. The atmosphere was collaborative, with farmers eager to share their experiences while being equally keen to learn from the experts. The facilitator encouraged an open dialogue, ensuring that all questions were addressed respectfully and thoroughly. The session commenced with a brief overview by the extension agents on recent advancements in agricultural practices, setting the stage for the Q&A session. This report summarizes the key themes and questions raised during the discussion, along with the insights provided by the extension agents. --- *End of Introduction* --- If you need additional sections or a more detailed report, feel free to ask!