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You are doing a reach on open defecation and it's Impacts in Rural communities with the following research objectives 1.To assess the factors influencing the practice of open defecation in Kaaha community. 2.To identify and understand the deriving fact

Certainly! Below is a structured questionnaire designed to meet the research objectives you’ve outlined regarding open defecation in the Kaaha community. The questionnaire is divided into sections according to the specific research objectives. ### Questionnaire on Open Defecation and Its Impacts in Rural Communities **Section 1: Demographic Information** 1. Age: _______ 2. Gender: - [ ] Male - [ ] Female - [ ] Other 3. Household Size: _______ 4. Education Level: - [ ] None - [ ] Primary - [ ] Secondary - [ ] Tertiary 5. Occupation: ____________________ 6. Monthly Household Income: ___________ --- **Section 2: Factors Influencing Open Defecation (Objective 1)** 7. What is your primary method of sanitation? - [ ] Open defecation - [ ] Shared latrine - [ ] Private latrine - [ ] Other: ___________ 8. If you practice open defecation, please indicate the reasons (select all that apply): - [ ] Lack of access to toilets - [ ] Cultural beliefs - [ ] Economic constraints - [ ] Lack of knowledge about hygiene - [ ] Other: ___________ 9. How far is the nearest toilet facility from your home? - [ ] Less than 50 meters - [ ] 50 - 100 meters - [ ] More than 100 meters - [ ] I don’t know 10. Are there any community efforts or government policies aimed at reducing open defecation in your area? - [ ] Yes - [ ] No - If yes, please describe: ______________ --- **Section 3: Motivators for Adopting Household Toilets and Handwashing Facilities (Objective 2)** 11. What factors would motivate you to install a toilet facility at your home? (Select all that apply) - [ ] Health concerns - [ ] Financial assistance from the government or NGOs - [ ] Awareness programs about hygiene - [ ] Increased community stigma against open defecation - [ ] Other: ______________ 12. Have you received any information about the benefits of having a toilet? - [ ] Yes - [ ] No - If yes, who provided this information? ______________ 13. What are your main concerns when thinking about installing a household toilet? (Select all that apply) - [ ] Cost of construction - [ ] Maintenance - [ ] Space for construction - [ ] Community acceptance - [ ] Other: _______________ 14. Are you aware of the importance of handwashing and its link to health? - [ ] Yes - [ ] No --- **Section 4: Impacts of Open Defecation on Residents (Objective 3)** 15. How often do you experience illness in your household? - [ ] Frequently - [ ] Occasionally - [ ] Rarely - [ ] Never 16. What types of health issues have you or your family members experienced that you believe could be linked to open defecation? (Select all that apply) - [ ] Diarrhea - [ ] Cholera - [ ] Typhoid - [ ] Skin infections - [ ] Other: _______________ 17. Have you noticed any impacts on children’s education due to health issues related to open defecation? - [ ] Yes - [ ] No - If yes, please explain: ______________ 18. How does open defecation affect your community’s environment? (Select all that apply) - [ ] Pollution of local water sources - [ ] Bad odors - [ ] Attracts pests (e.g., flies, rats) - [ ] Other: _______________ --- **Section 5: Additional Comments** 19. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions concerning open defecation and sanitation in your community: ________________ --- ### Instructions for Completion - Thank you for your participation. Your responses will remain confidential and are valuable for understanding and improving sanitation conditions in the Kaaha community. ### Follow-up After completing the questionnaire, respondents may be invited to share their contact information for follow-up discussions or community workshops (optional). This questionnaire will help gather comprehensive data to achieve the outlined research objectives regarding open defecation in Kaaha community.