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What multiple choice questions can be asked on: what is the condition of the toilet facility?

Here are some sample multiple choice questions that can be asked regarding the condition of toilet facilities: 1. **How would you rate the overall cleanliness of the toilet facility?** - A) Very Clean - B) Clean - C) Moderately Clean - D) Dirty - E) Very Dirty 2. **Are there enough toilet stalls available for use?** - A) Yes, more than enough - B) Yes, adequate - C) Somewhat sufficient - D) No, too few - E) No, extremely insufficient 3. **How would you describe the availability of toilet paper in the facility?** - A) Always available - B) Usually available - C) Sometimes available - D) Rarely available - E) Never available 4. **Is the plumbing in the toilet facility functioning properly?** - A) Always functional - B) Mostly functional, with occasional issues - C) Somewhat functional, with frequent issues - D) Often non-functional - E) Always non-functional 5. **Are handwashing facilities provided and in good condition?** - A) Yes, in excellent condition - B) Yes, in acceptable condition - C) Yes, but needs improvement - D) No, not well-maintained - E) No, not available at all 6. **What is the general odor like in the toilet facility?** - A) Pleasant - B) Neutral - C) Slightly unpleasant - D) Unpleasant - E) Very unpleasant 7. **How often is the toilet facility cleaned?** - A) More than once a day - B) Once a day - C) A few times a week - D) Once a week - E) Rarely or never 8. **Are the toilet fixtures (such as flush handles, seat, and doors) in good working order?** - A) All are in excellent condition - B) Most are in good condition - C) Some are in need of repair - D) Many are damaged - E) All are non-functional 9. **How accessible is the toilet facility for individuals with disabilities?** - A) Fully accessible - B) Mostly accessible - C) Somewhat accessible - D) Not accessible - E) Not applicable 10. **What is your overall satisfaction with the toilet facility?** - A) Very satisfied - B) Satisfied - C) Neutral - D) Dissatisfied - E) Very dissatisfied These questions can help gauge the condition and user experience of toilet facilities in various environments.