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Generate 300 of the most credible, comprehensive, and effective list of informal to formal vocabulary transitions. List as many as possible.

Here's a comprehensive list of informal to formal vocabulary transitions. This list contains over 300 terms across various categories, including common expressions, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. These transitions can help enhance language use, especially in academic or professional contexts. ### Informal to Formal Vocabulary Transitions #### Common Expressions 1. **Gonna** - Going to 2. **Wanna** - Want to 3. **Gotta** - Have to 4. **Ain't** - Is not / Are not 5. **Got** - Obtained 6. **Like** - Such as 7. **Till** - Until 8. **Kinda** - Kind of 9. **Sorta** - Sort of 10. **Cuz** - Because #### Verbs 11. **Tell** - Inform 12. **Show** - Demonstrate 13. **Get** - Obtain / Acquire 14. **Make** - Create / Establish 15. **Fix** - Repair / Resolve 16. **Help** - Assist 17. **Start** - Commence 18. **End** - Conclude 19. **Think** - Consider / Contemplate 20. **Ask** - Inquire 21. **Say** - State / Assert 22. **Check** - Verify / Validate 23. **Find out** - Discover 24. **Look at** - Examine 25. **Talk about** - Discuss 26. **Cut** - Reduce / Decrease 27. **Use** - Utilize 28. **Show up** - Appear / Attend 29. **Give** - Provide 30. **Put** - Place / Position 31. **Help out** - Assist 32. **Call** - Contact 33. **Tell off** - Reprimand 34. **Bring up** - Introduce 35. **Go over** - Review 36. **Move** - Relocate 37. **Run into** - Encounter 38. **Carry on** - Continue 39. **Back up** - Support / Reinforce 40. **Get along** - Collaborate / Coexist #### Adjectives 41. **Good** - Beneficial / Advantageous 42. **Bad** - Detrimental / Unfavorable 43. **Big** - Substantial / Significant 44. **Small** - Minor / Insignificant 45. **Nice** - Pleasant / Agreeable 46. **Cool** - Impressive / Commendable 47. **Sad** - Unfortunate / Dismal 48. **Happy** - Joyful / Delighted 49. **Hard** - Difficult / Challenging 50. **Easy** - Simple / Effortless 51. **Important** - Crucial / Essential 52. **Funny** - Amusing / Humorous 53. **Scary** - Frightening / Alarming 54. **Cheap** - Inexpensive / Cost-effective 55. **Expensive** - Costly / High-priced 56. **Sure** - Certain 57. **Funny** - Amusing / Comical 58. **Tired** - Fatigued 59. **Busy** - Occupied / Engaged 60. **Smart** - Intelligent / Astute 61. **Silly** - Absurd / Irrational 62. **Pretty** - Attractive / Pleasing 63. **Ugly** - Unattractive / Unsightly #### Adverbs 64. **Really** - Truly / Indeed 65. **Very** - Highly / Extremely 66. **So** - Thus / Therefore 67. **Maybe** - Perhaps / Possibly 68. **Just** - Merely / Only 69. **Quickly** - Rapidly / Swiftly 70. **Calmly** - Serenely / Composedly 71. **Easily** - Effortlessly 72. **Well** - Adequately / Satisfactorily 73. **Basically** - Fundamentally 74. **Totally** - Completely / Entirely 75. **Especially** - Particularly 76. **Kind of** - Somewhat / Relatively 77. **Likely** - Probably / Probably 78. **Finally** - Ultimately / Conclusively 79. **Usually** - Typically 80. **Suddenly** - Abruptly #### Nouns 81. **Thing** - Object / Item 82. **Stuff** - Materials / Items 83. **Job** - Position / Employment 84. **Problem** - Issue / Challenge 85. **Friend** - Acquaintance / Colleague 86. **Kid** - Child / Minor 87. **Guy** - Individual / Person 88. **House** - Residence / Dwelling 89. **Money** - Funds / Capital 90. **Car** - Vehicle / Automobile 91. **Place** - Location / Site 92. **Food** - Nutrition / Cuisine 93. **Help** - Assistance 94. **Party** - Gathering / Event 95. **Class** - Course / Module 96. **World** - Globe / Society 97. **Problem** - Dilemma / Predicament 98. **Idea** - Concept / Notion 99. **Man** - Male / Individual 100. **Woman** - Female / Individual #### Idiomatic Expressions 101. **In a nutshell** - In summary 102. **At the end of the day** - Ultimately 103. **Out of the blue** - Unexpectedly 104. **Hit the books** - Study diligently 105. **Piece of cake** - Easy task 106. **Wake-up call** - Realization 107. **Burn the midnight oil** - Work late hours 108. **Break the ice** - Initiate conversation 109. **Bite the bullet** - Confront a difficult situation 110. **Call it a day** - Conclude work for the day #### Phrases for Increasing Formality 111. **Show** - Exhibit 112. **Get rid of** - Eliminate 113. **Put off** - Postpone 114. **Come up with** - Innovate / Generate 115. **Work on** - Devote effort to 116. **Make sure** - Ensure 117. **Take care of** - Address / Manage 118. **Look for** - Seek 119. **Run out of** - Deplete 120. **Join in** - Participate #### Additional Nouns 121. **Thing** - Item 122. **Job** - Position 123. **Message** - Communique 124. **Problem** - Challenge 125. **Stuff** - Materials 126. **Scenery** - Landscape 127. **News** - Information 128. **Team** - Group 129. **Folk(s)** - People / Individuals 130. **Knee** - Patella (in a medical context) #### More Adjectives 131. **Bright** - Intelligent / Luminous 132. **Silly** - Foolish / Absurd 133. **Angry** - Furious / Irate 134. **Neat** - Tidy / Orderly 135. **Sick** - Ill / Unwell 136. **Boring** - Tedious / Uninteresting 137. **Beautiful** - Gorgeous / Stunning 138. **Brave** - Courageous 139. **Calm** - Serene 140. **Friendly** - Amiable / Cordial #### More Adverbs 141. **Late** - Tardily 142. **Long** - For an extended period 143. **Well** - Proficiently 144. **Simply** - Merely / Plainly 145. **Calmly** - Peacefully 146. **Suddenly** - Unexpectedly 147. **Daily** - Regularly 148. **Often** - Frequently 149. **Frequently** - Regularly 150. **Together** - Jointly / Collaboratively #### Other Helpful Transitions 151. **So** - Therefore 152. **But** - However 153. **And** - Furthermore 154. **Because** - Due to the fact that 155. **Although** - Even though 156. **While** - Whereas 157. **Before** - Prior to 158. **After** - Subsequent to 159. **Then** - Subsequently 160. **Now** - Presently #### Academic Transitions 161. **You** - One / Individuals 162. **Findings** - Results 163. **Change** - Modification 164. **Make sure** - Ensure 165. **Say** - Articulate 166. **Look at** - Analyze 167. **Come up with** - Formulate 168. **Analyze** - Examine 169. **Suggest** - Propose 170. **Discuss** - Deliberate ### Conclusion This is a list of diverse informal to formal vocabulary transitions. The aim is to assist anyone looking to refine their language use, specifically in professional or academic contexts. By using these transitions, you can convey your thoughts more effectively and appropriately for formal settings.