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Story: A modest girl covers the genitals of a naked Cupid with her hand

Once upon a time, in a vibrant village known for its festivals and celebrations, there lived a modest girl named Lyra. She was known throughout her community for her kind heart and gentle spirit. Lyra often spent her days tending to her family's garden, singing sweet melodies that attracted butterflies and birds. One fine morning, while wandering through the enchanted woods that bordered the village, Lyra stumbled upon a hidden glade. To her surprise, she found a magnificent statue of Cupid, the playful god of love, with intricate details that seemed to come alive in the soft morning light. However, against the backdrop of beauty, Lyra noticed that the statue was positioned in a rather provocative way. Thinking it inappropriate for the serene beauty of nature, Lyra felt a wave of modesty wash over her. With a gentle laugh, she walked up to the statue and, with great care, placed her hand over Cupid's genitals, as if to shield him from the world's gaze. In that instant, the air around her shimmered, and the statue seemed to come to life. Cupid, taken aback by the sudden warmth of her touch, looked down at the modest girl. With a playful grin, he said, "Oh dear girl, why do you cover my shame? Love exists in many forms, and sometimes it is bold and unashamed." Lyra smiled shyly but replied earnestly, "While love may be bold, I believe there is beauty in modesty too. It is important to respect oneself and others, just as love is about understanding and kindness." Cupid, moved by her words, softened his expression. "You have a noble heart, Lyra. It is rare to find such wisdom in a young soul. In return for your modesty, I will grant you a gift of love—a love that is true and everlasting." With a flick of his wrist, he released a shower of sparkling arrows into the air, each one shimmering with different hues. The arrows swirled around Lyra, binding themselves to her with threads of golden light. "These arrows will guide your heart to find love when the time is right," he promised. With a laugh and a wink, Cupid transformed back into marble, leaving Lyra standing alone in the glade, her heart full and her spirit light. She returned to her village, cherishing the memory of the encounter and the promise of love that awaited her. Years went by, and Lyra blossomed into a young woman, still cherishing her values of kindness and modesty. Then, one lovely spring day, the village held a festival. As people laughed and danced, Lyra, filled with the spirit of love, met a young man named Eian. Their eyes met, and in that instant, the arrows of Cupid guided their hearts to recognize the connection they shared. In the end, Lyra learned that love comes in many forms—sometimes quiet and gentle, sometimes bold and loud. And through her modesty, she found a love that was profound, true, and everlasting, just as Cupid had promised.