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Is this grammatically correct? “There are persons you don’t pepper, nah not me. Even if I’m broke, I’m not hungry, at least I see food to eat daily and I’m very contented. I don’t see whatever you achieved and cry. Nah! I believe in consistency and growth

Your passage is mostly grammatically correct, but there are a few areas where you could enhance clarity and correctness. Here's a revised version: "There are people you don’t pepper—nah, not me. Even if I’m broke, I’m not hungry; at least I see food to eat daily, and I’m very content. I don’t look at whatever you achieved and cry. Nah! I believe in consistency and growth. I just do my thing and let God do the rest without pressure. I put in a lot of hard work so I don’t remain stuck. So if you get there before me, congrats—I’m coming." Changes made: 1. Replaced "persons" with "people" for more natural phrasing. 2. Added a dash for emphasis after "pepper." 3. Corrected "contented" to "content" for more common usage. 4. Replaced "I don’t see" with "I don’t look at" for clarity. 5. Combined a couple of sentences to improve flow and added a semicolon. 6. Changed "hardwork" to "hard work" for correct spacing. 7. Modified "too" to "so I don’t remain stuck" for clarity. Overall, these revisions make the passage clearer and more concise while maintaining your original message.