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Set 25 quantitative and quantitative questioner for a research on the topic The influence on employee's motivation on job satisfaction ( A case of vanguard life assurance company limited)

Certainly! Below is a list of 25 quantitative and qualitative questions designed for a research study on "The Influence of Employee's Motivation on Job Satisfaction," specifically for Vanguard Life Assurance Company Limited. ### Quantitative Questions **Demographic Information:** 1. What is your age? - (a) 18-25 - (b) 26-35 - (c) 36-45 - (d) 46 and above 2. What is your gender? - (a) Male - (b) Female - (c) Other 3. How long have you been employed at Vanguard Life Assurance Company Limited? - (a) Less than 1 year - (b) 1-3 years - (c) 4-6 years - (d) More than 6 years 4. What is your current job position? - (Open-ended) 5. What is your highest level of education? - (a) High School - (b) Associate Degree - (c) Bachelor's Degree - (d) Postgraduate Degree **Job Motivation:** 6. On a scale of 1-5, how motivated do you feel at work? (1 = Not motivated, 5 = Highly motivated) 7. How often do you set personal performance goals at work? - (a) Always - (b) Often - (c) Sometimes - (d) Rarely - (e) Never 8. How frequently do you receive positive feedback from your supervisor? - (a) Very frequently - (b) Frequently - (c) Occasionally - (d) Rarely - (e) Never 9. To what extent do you feel your work is recognized by your team? - (a) Very much - (b) Somewhat - (c) Neutral - (d) Not much - (e) Not at all 10. How satisfied are you with the rewards and incentives provided by the organization? - (a) Very satisfied - (b) Satisfied - (c) Neutral - (d) Dissatisfied - (e) Very dissatisfied **Job Satisfaction:** 11. On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with your current job? (1 = Not satisfied, 5 = Highly satisfied) 12. How likely are you to recommend Vanguard Life Assurance Company Limited as a great place to work? - (a) Extremely likely - (b) Very likely - (c) Somewhat likely - (d) Not very likely - (e) Not at all likely 13. How do you rate the work-life balance provided by your job? - (a) Excellent - (b) Good - (c) Average - (d) Poor - (e) Very Poor 14. Do you feel that your work contributes to your personal growth? - (a) Strongly agree - (b) Agree - (c) Neutral - (d) Disagree - (e) Strongly disagree 15. How effective do you find the professional development programs at your workplace? - (a) Very effective - (b) Effective - (c) Neutral - (d) Ineffective - (e) Very ineffective ### Qualitative Questions 16. What motivates you the most in your job? - (Open-ended) 17. Can you describe a specific instance when your motivation impacted your job satisfaction? - (Open-ended) 18. What factors do you believe contribute most to your overall job satisfaction? - (Open-ended) 19. How important is a supportive work environment to your motivation and job satisfaction? - (Open-ended) 20. What changes would you suggest to improve employee motivation within the company? - (Open-ended) 21. How do financial rewards influence your motivation levels? - (Open-ended) 22. Can you describe how team dynamics affect your motivation and job satisfaction? - (Open-ended) 23. How does your relationship with your supervisor influence your job motivation? - (Open-ended) 24. What role does company culture play in your job satisfaction? - (Open-ended) 25. In what ways do you think communication within the company affects employee motivation? - (Open-ended) Feel free to modify these questions to better fit your research needs. Good luck with your research project!